Category: Species

Posted in Canids Gastrointestinal Miscellaneous

GDV is a common issue in dogs, and involves two components: dilation of the stomach with gas, then flipping of the stomach within the abdomen. Sometimes the spleen can get involved in the rotation as well, thanks to its attachment to the stomach.

Posted in Malformation Multispecies Nervous

Hydrocephalus is the abnormal accumulation of fluid in the cranial cavity, in most cases within the brainโ€™s ๐ฏ๐ž๐ง๐ญ๐ซ๐ข๐œ๐ฅ๐ž๐ฌ (spaces where the cerebrospinal fluid flows within the brain).

Posted in Liver and Biliary Multispecies Neoplastic

๐‚๐ก๐จ๐ฅ๐š๐ง๐ ๐ข๐จ๐œ๐š๐ซ๐œ๐ข๐ง๐จ๐ฆ๐š๐ฌ are malignant tumours of the ๐›๐ข๐ฅ๐ข๐š๐ซ๐ฒ ๐ž๐ฉ๐ข๐ญ๐ก๐ž๐ฅ๐ข๐ฎ๐ฆ (the cells that line the bile ducts in the liver).

Posted in Equids Gastrointestinal Neoplastic

๐’๐ญ๐ซ๐š๐ง๐ ๐ฎ๐ฅ๐š๐ญ๐ข๐ง๐  ๐ฅ๐ข๐ฉ๐จ๐ฆ๐š๐ฌ are one of the many causes of colic in horses. In this condition, there is a ๐ฅ๐ข๐ฉ๐จ๐ฆ๐š (a benign tumour of fat) that is ๐ฉ๐ž๐๐ฎ๐ง๐œ๐ฎ๐ฅ๐š๐ญ๐ž๐ (a long stalk with a mass on the end). Thanks to this long stalk, the mass can ends up wrapped around a piece of intestine, causing ๐ข๐ง๐Ÿ๐š๐ซ๐œ๐ญ๐ข๐จ๐ง (complete loss of blood supply).

Posted in Equids Gastrointestinal Parasitic

๐†๐š๐ฌ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ๐จ๐ฉ๐ก๐ข๐ฅ๐ฎ๐ฌ larvae are the most common parasites of the equine stomach. There are six different species that can affect horses, but the most common ones are ๐†๐š๐ฌ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ๐จ๐ฉ๐ก๐ข๐ฅ๐ฎ๐ฌ ๐ข๐ง๐ญ๐ž๐ฌ๐ญ๐ข๐ง๐š๐ฅ๐ข๐ฌ and ๐†๐š๐ฌ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ๐จ๐ฉ๐ก๐ข๐ฅ๐ฎ๐ฌ ๐ง๐š๐ฌ๐š๐ฅ๐ข๐ฌ. In their adult form, these flies are frequently seen buzzing around livestock.

Posted in Bacterial Bones and Joints Bovids

๐‹๐ฎ๐ฆ๐ฉ๐ฒ ๐ฃ๐š๐ฐ is probably one of the more descriptive veterinary disease names, being literally a disease causing a lumpy jaw! This is a type of ๐ฆ๐š๐ง๐๐ข๐›๐ฎ๐ฅ๐š๐ซ ๐จ๐ฌ๐ญ๐ž๐จ๐ฆ๐ฒ๐ž๐ฅ๐ข๐ญ๐ข๐ฌ, or a bacterial infection of the mandibular bone.

Posted in Bacterial Canids Felids Respiratory

๐๐ฒ๐จ๐ญ๐ก๐จ๐ซ๐š๐ฑ is when pus (pyo-) accumulates within the thoracic cavity. Usually, this looks like large amounts of cloudy, yellow or red fluid that contains long strands of ๐Ÿ๐ข๐›๐ซ๐ข๐ง (one of the main clotting materials in the bloodstream).

Posted in Cardiovascular Felids Malformation

๐๐ž๐ซ๐ข๐ญ๐จ๐ง๐ž๐จ- refers to the peritoneum, which is the membrane that lines the abdomen. ๐๐ž๐ซ๐ข๐œ๐š๐ซ๐๐ข๐š๐ฅ refers to the pericardium, the membrane sac that covers the heart. ๐ƒ๐ข๐š๐ฉ๐ก๐ซ๐š๐ ๐ฆ๐š๐ญ๐ข๐œ ๐ก๐ž๐ซ๐ง๐ข๐š๐ฌ are when some part of the intestinal tract or abdominal organs ๐ก๐ž๐ซ๐ง๐ข๐š๐ญ๐ž๐ฌ (protrudes) through the ๐๐ข๐š๐ฉ๐ก๐ซ๐š๐ ๐ฆ, the muscular border between the abdomen and thorax that aids in breathing. So putting it all together, we have a hernia of abdominal organs through the diaphragm, due to a connection between the peritoneum and pericardium. Weird!

Posted in Bacterial Bones and Joints Cardiovascular Integument Suids

Swine erysipelas is a bacterial disease of pigs that is very, very common! Up to 50% of pig farms are considered to be colonized with the bacteria.

Posted in Equids Female Reproductive Neoplastic

๐†๐ซ๐š๐ง๐ฎ๐ฅ๐จ๐ฌ๐š ๐œ๐ž๐ฅ๐ฅ ๐ญ๐ฎ๐ฆ๐จ๐ฎ๐ซ๐ฌ are tumours of granulosa cells, which are the cells of the ovary that produce hormones, primarily estrogen and progesterone. These tumours are often huge by the time they are detected, frequently replacing the whole ovary!