
Todayโ€™s path rounds are on ๐จ๐๐จ๐ง๐ญ๐จ๐ฆ๐š๐ฌ!

๐–๐ก๐š๐ญ ๐ข๐ฌ ๐ข๐ญ?
To put it simply, ๐จ๐๐จ๐ง๐ญ๐จ๐ฆ๐š๐ฌ are tumours that produce teeth! They range in presentation from haphazard arrangements of tissue that normally make up teeth, to the presence of fully developed teeth within the tumour.

๐–๐ก๐จ ๐ ๐ž๐ญ๐ฌ ๐ข๐ญ?
This condition is most frequently seen in horses, however can occur in other species.

๐–๐ก๐š๐ญ ๐œ๐š๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ž๐ฌ ๐ข๐ญ?
Itโ€™s not sure why these tumours happen, however they develop during ๐จ๐๐จ๐ง๐ญ๐จ๐ ๐ž๐ง๐ž๐ฌ๐ข๐ฌ, or formation of teeth in the developing embryo. Because it occurs during this development period, it has been suggested that they might be a developmental anomaly or a ๐ก๐š๐ฆ๐š๐ซ๐ญ๐จ๐ฆ๐š (an irregular development of tissue that forms a mass). So far, there have not been any predisposing factors identified that lead to the development of these tumours.

๐–๐ก๐ฒ ๐ข๐ฌ ๐ญ๐ก๐ข๐ฌ ๐š ๐ฉ๐ซ๐จ๐›๐ฅ๐ž๐ฆ?
These tumours cause destruction by ๐ž๐ฑ๐ฉ๐š๐ง๐ฌ๐ข๐จ๐ง, meaning that as they get bigger, they end up compressing and destroying the tissue that surrounds them. Because they are most commonly found on the jaw, they can compress and destroy some of the surrounding jaw bone, and even cause loss of teeth if their attachment point is compromised. They also can affect the appearance of the animal, causing a large solid mass on the side of the face. Poor pony!

๐‡๐จ๐ฐ ๐ข๐ฌ ๐ข๐ญ ๐๐ข๐š๐ ๐ง๐จ๐ฌ๐ž๐?
Initially, the veterinarian will take an X-ray of the mass, where they will be able to see bone destruction and numerous tooth-like structures within the mass. Usually, this is enough for a veterinary surgeon to proceed with removing the mass from the animal. After the mass is removed, it can be sent to a pathologist. The pathologist will look at the tissue under a microscope, and if there is tooth tissue present, a diagnosis of an odontoma can be confirmed!

๐‡๐จ๐ฐ ๐ข๐ฌ ๐ข๐ญ ๐ญ๐ซ๐ž๐š๐ญ๐ž๐?
Typically, these masses are treated by surgical removal, with good success!

1) A poor pony with a large odontoma on the side of its face!
2) An X-ray of an odontoma showing many tooth-like structures within the mass.
3-5) The results of surgical removal of an odontoma! They found ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ–๐Ÿ– ๐ญ๐ž๐ž๐ญ๐ก (๐Ÿ˜ฑ) within this mass. Insane!
6-8) Examples of what odontomas look like on cut section.

Meuten, DJ. Tumors in Domestic Animals. Fifth Edition.

Photos 1, 6-8 ยฉ Noahโ€™s Arkive contributors Read, Ward, Larsen, Harrington licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.
Photos 2-5 ยฉ Idaho Equine Hospital, used with permission.

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